Upcoming prescribed burns

Current activities

Last updated: Thursday 5 December 2024

There are currently no planned burns for the next 4 weeks.

To prepare for fire season, the Parks and Conservation Service (PCS) Fire conducts several prescribed burns each year.

These occur in urban and rural areas across Canberra and Googong Foreshore. Find more details in the Bushfire Operations Plan (BOP) [PDF 1.2 MB].

PCS works with ACT Health and Asthma Australia on educating the community about bushfire smoke. Read more about outdoor smoke health impacts.

Prescribed burns interactive map

You can navigate the map by selecting an area. You can double-click or tap an item in the list below to find more information.

See the map in full screen.





Spring 2025, Autumn 2026 (for example)

Prescribed burn likely to be implemented during this period of time.

Likely symbol


Prescribed burn is being planned for the next fortnight, if suitable (weather and fuel moisture) conditions exist.

Prescribed Burn Completed Symbol

Scheduled Prescribed burn is scheduled to commence tomorrow, if suitable conditions exist.

Scheduled Symbol

In progress

Prescribed burn has commenced. Crews are lighting the burn, flames and smoke may be visible.

In Progress symbol


Flames and smoke may be visible. Crews will patrol and monitor burn until no smoke is visible for at least 24 hours.



Prescribed burn has been completed: Patrols have ceased; No smoke or flames have been seen for a minimum of 24 hours.


Stay informed


For more information, phone Access Canberra on 13 22 81.